As we dive into this year’s Book of Mormon Come, Follow Me curriculum, I’d love to share some of the ways we’re making it work for our family, specifically how we’re supplementing the (amazing!) curriculum for our younger kids.
These activities supplement: Book of Mormon Come, Follow Me Week 2: 1 Nephi 1-7
How Come, Follow Me Works for Us
But before I share this week’s activities, I have to make a quick comment on how much I LOVE the Come, Follow Me curriculum! Our family had the opportunity to “pilot” the program several months before it was officially released, and it really changed the way we approached scripture reading with our kids. So we were beyond thrilled when the announcement came that we’d begin using it as a world-wide church in January 2019.
Still, 2019 was a learning curve and just like most of the world, we had to figure out what would work for us long term. We tried a few different methods, but the “system” that seems to work best for our stage of life is to have a longer family lesson on Sunday afternoons where we read/tell/review the stories in preparation for the rest of the week.
And then during the week (when we typically have family scripture time) we read a few verses or do an activity, and talk or journal about how the principles apply to us. The BEST part of this program is that it’s all about adapting to YOUR life situation and needs.

Adapting Come, Follow Me for Kids
One “need” our family has is simplifying and adapting the content of some of lessons so that our little ones can be involved in the learning and teaching — which cues the activities I’m about to share.
Hopefully the ideas will also inspire you as you’re teaching gospel to your children. But if they don’t . . . or if the ideas feel too overwhelming . . . please — know the suggestions are just ideas I felt inspired to create as supplement to the already existing curriculum and are in no way meant to make anyone feel like they aren’t doing enough or aren’t “Pinterest-y” enough or any of the other comparison lies we sometimes feel from browsing the Internet.
Follow the Spirit and teach in a way that works best for you and your family.
Book of Mormon Come Follow Me
If you’re following the Book of Mormon Come, Follow Me curriculum, these activities coordinate with Week 2!
Lehi in Jerusalem
The Book of Mormon starts with the story of Lehi’s dream that the city of Jerusalem will be destroyed and that his family should pack up their basic necessities, leave their home, and go into the wilderness to start a new life.
This one felt super personal to me since our family recently uprooted and moved across the country to start a new life. But more on that below!
Printable images helped our younger ones “visualize” and re-tell the story in their own words. These scripture storytelling props are frequently used at our house and some of our favorite ways to help our kids learn the stories from the Book of Mormon and Bible.
After reviewing the story of Lehi’s vision and the trek into the wilderness, we did a sorting activity. To help the preschoolers feel involved in the lesson, I actually helped them prepare this activity ahead of time so they could share with the rest of the family. (They LOVED being the “teachers!”)
“What do you think Lehi’s family took with them into the wilderness?”
We looked at pictures and sorted/placed each image under the picture of the wilderness if we thought Lehi’s family might have taken it, or under the picture of Jerusalem we thought Lehi’s family left it behind.
Some Personal Thoughts
Lehi leaving Jerusalem — I know this story well. I grew up hearing it and reading it over and over. (It’s what happens when you consistently forget where you left off and then commit to start reading again!)
But reading and studying it this time had so much more personal application. Because just over a year ago our family uprooted and moved away from all we’d known. It didn’t make sense to a lot of people. But Jared and I felt a strong prompting and knew it was right for our family.
Some of our kids were very unhappy and have “murmured” and questioned and cried to go back. With those recent experiences — this time, as I read Nephi’s account, I ached for Lehi and Sariah and the inner conflict they must have felt as they KNEW what was right, but didn’t know HOW it would work out and wanted more than anything for their children to be happy.
I Will Go & Do
This was another story that felt SO personal to me as I re-read and prepared for our family scripture study! I guess that’s the point though — that we’re supposed to truly APPLY the ancient teachings to our own lives.
For FIVE years I’ve felt prompted to create Book of Mormon storytelling sets. (Similar to these Bible sets.) For FIVE years I’ve procrastinated and ignored and cried and told the Lord “it is a hard thing which has been required.” (1 Nephi 3:5).
Someone else can do it. Someone WAY more talented, someone who has WAY more time.
But for FIVE years the feeling has kept coming. For FIVE years I’ve felt in my heart that the Lord “gives no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (1 Nephi 3:7).
And so finally. Finally I said, I will go and do.
This is so overwhelming and vulnerable and I’m only just beginning this project. But I’m trusting and choosing to go and do.
Returning for the Brass Plates
A favorite Book of Mormon story! So much action and adventure! While we read a simplified version, the younger kids once again “acted out” the events with storytelling props. I usually print and laminate these, but it’s also fun to iron the images on felt and then tell on a flannel board.
We also watched these video versions of the stories:
Leaving Jerusalem
Returning for the Record
Coloring pages + markers or sharp colored pencils are a secret mom-hack I often pull out during scriptures or read-aloud time.
Because coloring is a great way to extend attention spans, and keep the younger ones quiet and occupied during a longer scripture reading or discussion. But coloring pages are also helpful for some of my older kids who tend to listen better when their hands are busy.
Book of Mormon Come Follow Me
If you’d like to try these printable activities as a standalone lesson or to supplement Book of Mormon Come, Follow Me Week 2, you can find them at Teachers Pay Teachers, or I’ll send them to you FREE with any purchase from my Usborne Books & More shop. Because I believe in reading from the “best books” — scriptures, as well as other quality literature. 😉
Want to Try a Sample First?
If you like these activities but would like to see more: TRY A SAMPLE of our scripture story activities with these FREE Bible Story printables.