Do the 10 Commandments still apply today? Although the commandments may seem irrelevant or outdated to our children–particularly based on the examples we see all around us–we owe it to them teach the deeper meanings behind each commandment.
Recently I had an eye-opening conversation with a friend as we were bemoaning what appears to be a deterioration in society’s morals, and how teaching our kids values can feel like an uphill battle. We live in a predominantly Christian community deep in the Bible belt where religion is interpreted in as many different ways as there are street corners.
Though I haven’t studied each denomination, and I recognize each one differs in interpretation, I thought there were some basics most churches had in common–like the 10 Commandments. And so (probably judgingly), I expressed to my friend that my moral expectations were higher for people who claimed to be church-goers and I was disappointed that the “top 10” seemed to be commonly dismissed as merely good suggestions.
Her confusion surprised me–and was the eye-opener–as she told me the church she grew up attending had taught that the 10 commandments were outdated, and except for the “big ones” like killing and stealing, they no longer applied today.
The point of this post isn’t to debate whether the commandments still apply today. It’s my belief that they do, and that it’s important to teach our kids HOW they apply in the world today–not just thousands of years ago when Moses received them on stone tablets.
Although the commandments may seem irrelevant or outdated to our children–particularly based on the examples we see all around us–we owe it to them teach the deeper meanings behind each commandment.
There are many ways to begin this discussion, but one way I love to teach and “keep life creative” is through games. This colorful 10 commandment match-up game is simple for young kids, but can easily be adapted into deeper discussions for older kids. Follow the directions below to create your own commandment cards.
10 Commandment Match-Up Supplies
- 10 Commandments Match-Up Game Printable
- Paper or Cardstock (I used patterned paper. . . see why below)
- Laminator and Laminating Sheets
- Scissors or Paper Cutter
Print the match-up game pieces.
Laminate for durability.
Have you invested in a personal laminator for teaching and craft projects? It’s one of my most frequently used “supplies,” and I highly recommend owning one! They’re inexpensive, and if taking the time to make games like this, you’ll likely want them to last more than one use (or child!). I’ve found Sam’s Club/Costco to have the best price on refill lamination sheets.
Cut out game pieces.
(Notice the patterned paper side. Here’s a fun tip! If you print on the white side of heavy patterned paper, you can play a memory matching game, and because of the pattern, kids can’t see through the back of the cards!)
Play the game!
Match the numbers to the coordinating images representing the commandments.
If matching pictures to numbers is too hard for younger kids, skip the game and just use the colorful image cards to introduce the meanings behind each commandment.
The 10 Commandment Match-up Printable was e-mailed as an exclusive subscriber freebie to those who’ve previously signed up to receive scripture story teaching inspiration and new product notices. If you’d like to to be added to the list and receive this free printable (along with other fun freebies), you can join here.
This is so clever and these are so needed! Our children need to know these important values. They are Life Long! Thank you for these!
My little Gv and I used these cards a couple of weeks ago during our Latticed Learning time and loved them! I even linked to this post of yours on my post, which should go live in a week or two!
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God’s Blessings,
Love the card game. Wish I was still a Sunday school teacher.