Walking down the hall, I passed the bathroom where a scene caught the corner of my eye. An entire roll of toilet paper, unraveled and wadded on the tile floor.
Things like this frustrate me! I’m sure most moms can relate. It feels like I could spend the entire day cleaning and never make any headway because a tornado (or five) is raging in the room behind me.
Normally I may have hollered for the mess-making culprit to come clean up. But this time a little voice inside told me to slow down the investigation. And what I discovered a few minutes later, was humbling. That empty toilet paper roll, and my determined 5-year old.
She’s a decision-maker, an innovator. She sees something she wants to do, and then finds a way to make it happen. Her personality’s like a bull-dozer, always pushing forward, never pausing to ask questions (or permission).
And that’s exactly what happened when she decided she needed a cardboard tube. Rather than asking for help (I have a stash of empty cardboard rolls saved for “projects!”), she went about getting an empty tube in the way she knew how–by removing all the toilet paper.
“Creativity Takes Courage” {via}
Today this quote is it’s inspiring me to remember that letting our kids use their creativity can, in fact, take courage! Allowing those messes to happen. Letting go of the preconcieved idea of what the final product should look like. Abandoning the Pinterest-worthy photo opp, and just letting the kids CREATE.
And heck, maybe even jumping in with them, and creating ourselves.
Today, let’s all take a deep breath, and have a little more courage.
Oh my! I laughed out loud when I saw this! All in the name of an art project – love it 🙂