Yesterday I explained my method of couponing and promised to share how I organize my clipped coupons in a coupon binder.
Until recently I was leaving my coupon inserts whole until I knew I needed a specific coupon, but I’m now clipping them all. The reason for the switch is that I kept going to store with only a small stack of planned-to-use coupons, and then would {disappointingly} end up finding amazing manager specials or unadvertised deals that would match up coupons I knew I had at home. It’s kind of a pain to drag the whole binder to the store now, but when I have it with me I don’t kick myself for missing out on the deals quite as often.
Deciding to clip all the coupons meant I needed better organization so I created this coupon binder. I’m using a 1.5″ I already had at home, but I’m pretty sure a 3″ binder is best and I’ll eventually need to upgrade. I’m probably a weirdo, but if I have to lug this thing around, I wanted it to be cute and so I made myself a printable binder cover.
How I Created a Coupon Binder
I have my coupons separated into different categories: Baby, Baking, Beauty, Beverages, Bread, Breakfast, Cereal, Cleaner, Condiments, Dairy, Frozen, Fruit, Hair Care, Hygiene, Ice Cream, Laundry, Meat, Medicine and First Aid, Office Supplies, Oral Care, Paper and Plastic, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Pets, Produce, Sides (rice, pasta, boxed potatoes, etc.), Snacks, Soup, and Veggies
Each category divider slips into an 8.5×11 sheet protector. I’m also using sheet protectors to organize the coupons. Baseball-card size are recommended, but I couldn’t find any locally so I ended up purchasing the smaller business-card size. They’re not perfect though, so if you can find baseball card protectors, definitely go with those. **UPDATE** I found some and the baseball card size work much better!! If the coupon is too big to fit in the business card slot, I fold it to fit, leaving the expiration date visible. I also purchased a couple packs of 4×6 photo sheet protectors to hold the larger coupons.
I keep an empty sheet protector in the front of my binder. When I’m preparing for my shopping trip I place the coupons I know I’m going to need in there. Then when I’m at the store and find other deals that match with coupons, I transfer those to the sheet protector as well. It helps keep things organized so I can easily hand them over to the cashier.
It feels so good to be better organized and it is MUCH easier to find coupons and prepare for my shopping trips now that I have them categorized. Overall, I’m happy with my decision to switch to a binder.
Want to make your own coupon binder?
Download and print the FREE binder cover and category printables! These inserts come as 8.5×11 PDF files. My favorite paper for printing color projects is Epson Matte Presentation Paper. It’s thick and sturdy like cardstock, but unlike cardstock which tends to absorb and mute the color ink, the matte paper presents vibrant colors that are true to what you see on the computer screen.
I absolutely love these binder printables! I use them in my own coupon binder and I have also included this link in my recent blog post on getting organized with the binder method and you can that post here:
I’m trying to download your coupon binder sheets. It keeps taking me to a weird download page. Are these files still available?
This is absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen! The only problem is is that I am having difficulty downloading and printing the coupon categories pdf file. Is there any way you could send it to me via email or how I can go about how I can actually get it to print? I would greatly appreciate it 🙂
Hello. I’ve seen your coupon DIY binder on Pintrest and I was looking at downloading it yesterday. I went back online to download and it is no longer there. Did you remove it from your blog?
I’m having having some technical difficulties with updates on my blog at the moment, but it should be up and running again soon. So sorry for the inconvenience.
I love this post, the binder and printables are adorable. I wanted to let you know I shared your post with my readers on my website. (I linked to your site.) I think they’ll like this post. (and probably the rest of the website.)
I loved your binder! I have just started getting into couponing and have saw people with this binder! Now I have an idea of where to start! Thanks for sharing!
I just started couponing a month or so ago and I love all the money I am saving. I came across your site when trying to find ideas for my binder. I love your printables <3. I do have a question what font is that it is so cute and I would love to use it for my tabs and other pages in my binder.
I’m so glad you can use the printables!!
The “font” is actually my handwriting :).
@pameladonnis, Well you have very cute handwriting. 🙂
thats great! super cute
I love the printables, thanks so much for sharing them! I was hoping to find out what font you used so I could change up the titles a bit but I see you used your own hand writing. That’s ok, I’ll figure it out 🙂
I tell ya…this is the cutest blog I have EVER seen! You have a serious talent for design as can be told in these printables! I am SUPER impressed and can’t wait to browse around here further! 🙂 Thanks for the freebies! I will certainly use them in good health! 🙂
What a sweet comment. Thank you for visiting!! I hope to see you back :).
I love your printables and was wondering if you ever made any additional templates? I admire people with creative abilities and what I have seen of your work you rank at the top!
I have a coupon binder similar to yours. You said that you keep an empty sheet protector in the front for coupons that you are using at one particular store. I found that a zippered pencil pocket works really well for this. That way when you reach the checkout all of your coupons are together. I guess I am somewhat fanatical because I also keep my coupons in date order so they don’t expire before I can use them.
Printing mine off now, ordered protector sheets through amazon, ready to get couponing as soon as my first sunday paper gets here!
Thank you so much for sharing these printables!!! I was looking for a way to brighten up my binder and these are perfect!! Love your page!!
@pameladonnis, I love your pages. If you could add just a few more.
Like: Vitamins, Misc, Store, Outdoors, Restaurants, Meals (like a meal kit for tacos) Canned Goods, Boxed Goods, Household and Feminine Hygiene (not sure what to use for a picture maybe flowers)
I tried to download the .pdf file on 4shared (I have an account already) and I am receiving an error message that I don’t have permission to download.
Can you please help me out?
Hmmm. I just tried and it downloaded fine for me…
Here is the direct link:
You shouldn’t need an account for it to work. If you still have trouble, send me an e-mail and I can e-mail the files to you (it will just take a few e-mails because there are several pages).
I absolutely L O V E these. They are so cute and creative. I just turned 20 not to long ago and i started couponing as i have a 8month old. I love it. It’s fun to see what great deals you can find and to get them at such a low price. Thanks for the prints!
Hello there! I am VERY new to all of this and found your website to be informative and helpful! I just printed out all of those cute papers for my binder, and can’t wait to start filling it up! Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to help people like me that are just starting out! I appreciate all of it!
Do you, by chance, have a template for the insert sections? I have a couple I’d like to add but I’d like to keep it consistent if possible. 😉 I’d be happy to just have it in the same font in the same place as all your other ones. Thanks so much for this!
Hey Angel,
I sort of have a template…but not really. lol I created the inserts with handcut felt pieces and my handwriting. But if you have a few more category ideas, let me know and I’ll see about creating them.
@pameladonnis, I was thinking the same thing. A category for “household” items (kind of for miscellaneous things like candles and batteries, stuff like that), and then a category for “restaurants” would be helpful too. I found going through my coupons that I have a lot of coupons for going out to eat or I find deals on daily deal sites. For that matter, maybe even a category for “activities” or something like that. Definitely the first two though.
By the way, I am in love with these printables. They are beyond adorable and it makes me actually want to take the time to clip everything. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Awesome! Next is to find stores that are around you that accept coupons, have sales every week and start matching those coupons to that sale items in the current weeks deals. If you need more detail breakdown
Crystal at MoneySavingMom hepled me get started couponing and blogging. Check her out if you need to:
I just came across your page a few days ago and fell in love. Scrapbooking, couponing, crazy days being a mommy. I downloaded Adobe Photoshop Elements through, it works great! Saved me $80 as well. You just have to extract the file from the torrent. Sounds hard but it wasn’t. It’s how i get most my software, movies and learning videos for my growing little boy for just about free; just have to buy burnable DVD disks. Thanks again, I’ll be sure to share my ideas when they’re done 🙂
This is a great binder – thanks for the information and for the awesome cover & pages.
Thanks for sharing!! I keep mine in a zipper binder now, before I had it in a scrapbooking portfolio. I am on the hunt now for a zipper binder with a handle to carry it better.
I use avery subject dividers so I can flip easily. As well I keep a directory in the front, of what coupons I have. and I update it once a month.
Couponing is possible in Canada.
Hi Pam! This looks great! I’ve created a coupon binder too, but it’s not nearly as colorful as yours. Would you mind if i make a post about this on my blog, Couponing 4 a Difference, and use one of the graphics with it?
Great job!
I would love that! Thank you!!
I just recently started using a binder in the 6 months. I like it so much better than using a coupon organizer. They seem to never be big enough. Right now, I’m using a zippered 3″ binder from Target. I recommend using a zippered binder because 1 day when standing in line, all my coupons fell out of my binder.
Sounds like a nightmare I’d like to avoid! I think I’ll look into a new binder…
Just a quick thought….I had a binder similar to you and I found that some of my coupons were falling out….I recommend a zippered binder so that you keep all you hard found coupons! Love you site!!!
A few weeks into it I’m actually wondering the same thing! Hoping to find possibly find some zippered binders on clearance this time of year!
Love the printables!
Thanks so much!!
Hi everyone. Great article Pam, but I wanted to make you aware of something. That particular way of cutting coupons is called “gang cutting.” While yes, it IS a time saver, manufacturers are now starting to refuse to pay stores for coupons that are cut that way. If the manufacturers refuse to pay, then the stores lose money. If the stores lose too much money then they will stop accepting coupons all together.
Here is a GREAT article on gang cutting and why you shouldn’t do it.
Have a great day! 🙂
That’s very interesting. I’ve never heard of gang cutting before. Thanks for sharing it with me.
HI EVERYONE, i’m just getting started couponing. i would appreciate any suggests or ideas. I just got done making me a coupon binder and printables which are so cute
@DEBBIE, Awesome! Next is to find stores that are around you that accept coupons, have sales every week and start matching those coupons to that sale items in the current weeks deals. If you need more detail breakdown
Crystal at MoneySavingMom hepled me get started couponing and blogging. Check her out if you need to:
I like to also have the name along the bottom right-hand side so that I can see it as I quickly thumb through to find the right section!
Tiffany, I found mine at Walmart, near the baseball cards and Pokemon cards, which are usually close to the cigarettes. Ironic. Anyway, I’ve also seen them at Target in the baseball card section, and you can buy them on Amazon as well! Hope that helps!
Hello my name is Tiffany. I just started couponing about 4 months ago an I love it. But I just need to know where can I find the baseball card protectors?
This is pretty much the same thing I do. In my original binder I used two clear plastic envelopes that fit in a three ring binder and have a velcro closure. I used one to keep my calculator, pen, scissors and coupons I haven’t sorted yet. The other one is where I put the coupons that I’m using.
The second version (the first binder broke) I found one at WalMart that had an envelope BUILT IN on the front. I was totally geeked out. My husband was slightly embarrassed as I was going ooooh in the aisle Anywho, it still rules.
Cute printables! Wanted to share my binder (very similar) and little tutorial I wrote on steps to the store with my binder. I don’t write on my coupon blog anymore and appreciate your money saving series you’ve been writing. PS (we started our cash envelopes this week…so hard, but dooable!)
Steps to the store:
These are so cute, thank you so much for sharing them! ♥ I clip what I know we’re going to use when I get them, and then cut what I need for each trip after I check the matchups. I love that we can all learn what works best for us, and it is so gratifying to save so much money!
LOVE IT!! You make all this seem do-able. I adore your binder printables! Gonna print some up. And I hadn’t thought of photo sleeves, brilliant. Tweeting this now.
My Blog
I love it. I have the baseball card binder thingy already, but mine is not NEARLY as cute and organized as yours. Definitely will be printing your printables! Thanks.
super cute! and organized to boot, haha. I think I have a stack of baseball card inserts that I’ll never use… if I find them I’ll send them your way! 🙂 (I got them in the trading card section of our local Walmart… near the checkstands)
@Shaela, That would be awesome. I looked there, assuming that’s where they’d be, but they were either out or don’t sell them at our Walmart. Small town, not a lot of shopping choices so I settled.
K, I will hunt around for them 🙂