As I’ve been thinking about enjoying my season more and taking advantage of the time I have with my kids, I’m realizing how seriously I take things and how rarely I smile or laugh these days. I take on too much and then I’m busy, stressed, impatient, and even angry mom. I {obviously} don’t want to be that kind of mom. I want my kids’ memories of their childhood to be of projects we did, games we played, songs we sang, books we read.
One time–a while ago, I watched an episode of Supernanny where Jo (“supernanny”) gave the mom the advice that she needed to get down on the floor more and play more and be “silly mommy.”
THAT is hard for me. I get in this rut where I need to do the dishes and fold the laundry and clip coupons and pay the bills and then when I feel like I got enough on my to-do list done, I’m tired and don’t really want to play Candyland (again). And I certainly don’t feel like being “silly mommy.”
And can we address the fact that being silly mommy is really quite embarrassing for me. . . .
I’ve definitely mastered a {not so impressive} skill called “Caring too much about what other people think.”
Why am I embarrassed to be silly mommy? Who REALLY cares anyway? And if they do, does it really MATTER? Isn’t it more important that my kids are happy, that they grow up remembering the fun times I spent with them, and that they are able to laugh at themselves in difficult situations? (Because, let’s just all admit, this mommy thing is difficult and I’m pretty sure more laughter and silliness would help me out.)
So here’s my new goal: Be okay with being SILLY MOMMY.
And here’s a page I made. . .
(Click for credits)
I think it would be good for me to print it and frame it and hang it somewhere to remind me to laugh and play and goof off a little more.
Here’s my {very basic} plan:
- Schedule in play time WITH my kids in our daily routine
- Sing and dance more
- Make a vision board of silly images to serve as a reminder
- Tickle. Every day.
- Learn some jokes. Oh, and TELL them.
- “Slow and steady wins the race.” (Be consistent)
I know exactly how you feel, and I love your post, as well as all the comments by your sweet readers. I’m going to try to do more “silly” stuff when my wonderful grandchildren are around–definitely one of the most important things I can do for them.
I remember when Amanda was about 3 years old, I would make a silly face (that I wouldn’t show to anyone else for fear of dying of embarrassment) and she would cackle with laughter every time. It was wonderful. I wish I had done more silly stuff with my own children.
I love this idea and I can totally relate! I am so caught up in routines and getting house work done that I forget to slow down and take that time just to get down on the floor and play with my daughter. I like the idea of putting play time into your daily routine. My doctor suggested to set the timer for 15 or 20 minutes and give your child that time each day. Then your child knows that you will spend that certain amount of time with them and then you can still get other things done too! Thank you for reminding me to do this 🙂
What a good idea! Crazy how we have to schedule it in, but unfortunately, it’s true.
Oh my heavens… ROTFLMAO!! I do so love you!! You know you were meant for me, right lovey?!
This is beautiful, funny, inspired, and hysterical. Now if I saw you being silly in ‘real time’ I think I would pee my pants. And thats a good thing… I think.
A funny friend has reminded me often, a true friend… is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, BUT only you can feel the true warmth.
Here’s to a life… always filled with pee…
I love you, my girlie friend!!
Oh my…I definitely need to take some lessons from you. I love that you know how to be silly. Let’s work on that…
Ordering it. Right. Now.
Thanks for the suggestion! I can’t wait to read it!
I hope you love it! 🙂
Pam, you are an awesome mom! 🙂 If you haven’t already read “The Happiness Project”, I suggest you run out right now and buy it. It is perfect for what you are going through right now! I have the same thoughts and feelings that you’ve described. I feel like I’m “angry, scolding mom” much more than “fun, silly mom”. That book helped me to realize how good I have it and how to slow down a bit and enjoy where I am, right now. 🙂
Shortly after I became a step-mom I watched my sister-in-law in awe. She PLAYED with my kids…not watched them play, but played with them. One lesson I learned from her that says “silly mom” to me was the name calling she did. For example:
To my youngest after he ate his second piece of fried chicken: “all right Chicken-leg monster, those potatoes are going to attack you if you don’t eat them quick” For the next couple of hours he was chicken-leg monster. “Fasten your seat belt chicken-leg monster.” “See ya next week chicken-leg monster!” etc.
If you used a lot of purple while you colored, you might be “Super Purple Boy.” If you like French toast for breakfast, you might be “French Toast-kateer”…in fact all three of you might be the 3 French Toast-kateers.
Those silly endearing names were one of the things that made it fun for the boys to go visit her.
SOOO cute. Love that!
Lol, I’m with you that being silly is a great idea. Being a little silly is part of my ‘teaching persona’. Wierd, cos I find it really hard to be like that in front of adults! Which makes lesson observations hideous!
Good ideas – although you’re better at the planning thing that I am. In that I don’t plan and couldn’t follow through if I tried. Self-imposed deadlines carry absolutely no weight with me! I’ve been making an effort to prioritise playtime myself. We try to have a ‘cooking club’ each week and I’m thinking of instigating a craft club too.
I guess my only advice would be to go with the flow (like I said, I’m a bad planner!) sometimes and let the kids lead the activities. I’ve noticed my eldest is starting to lose the skill of being able to entertain herself – probably due to school I think – so I like to let her choose. Sorry if that’s hideously obvious and patronising 🙂
No, you’re right. I definitely need to follow my kids’ lead more. Ryan is always asking me to play this or that with him, and I need to DO IT more instead of suggesting he play with his sister, or wait until I’m finished with…etc.
Seeing as I could have written that post myself {with a different layout} I have no suggestions but I will definately try to be a silly mom more! We spent yesterday cleaning the house – the clutter is go e or in a home – which helps me feel like I can actually get down on the floor and play so that might help! Good luck!
Good, well that’s our goal together!! Good luck to us 🙂