This past week I was able to take a few days for myself to attend a conference in Cincinnati. Though information and schedule packed, the trip was refreshment, and I realized in almost 8 years–this was the first time I’ve stepped away (for more than a few hours) without a pregnant belly, nursing baby, or toddler at my side. Milestone.
One evening I was talking to Jared about his day as Mr. Mom and he described everything they’d done: errands, dinner, baths, tidying up.
“It felt like we did so much more!” he sighed, with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. Because he gets how I sometimes feel.
I know some of you feel it too. This job as “mom” can be so constantly busy–but when we crash at the end of the day, it feels like so little was accomplished.
In fact, I sometimes get into this habit of thinking, if only I got up even earlier, had more energy, worked harder, worked smarter, stayed more focused, THEN I could get more done. And then, I start measuring my accomplishments on those checked off lists and feel the list is so short that I must be lazy and unmotivated.
The weekend filled with inspirational messages and some quiet time with my thoughts brought back perspective as I was reminded over and over by moms (who also feel they aren’t doing “enough”) that we don’t have to do it all.
We just have to do our best.
And since that list will never be accomplished, let’s chuck it, and start fresh.
To me, this looks like:
- Including in my “have-to” list things that will energize ME (YOU). A happy mom makes a better home.
- Realizing I’m not a failure if I need to ask for help or delegate a task.
- When I follow my dreams, my kids will learn that they can follow theirs.
- Relationships are more important than completed homework and memorized times tables.
As mamas, we get to plant seeds in the souls of these littles. It can be so hard to see growth among the snotty noses, spilled milk, and tantrums. But our influence is building their roots. So let’s press on.
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awesome , blessings to you and many thanks hugs Nana Kat