On the topic of having a daily routine, I asked on Facebook how you feel about following one, and it was interesting to read your responses. It seems like most of us are all for having a routine, it’s sticking to them that’s the problem!
I’m right there with you, and sometimes I feel like a such a fraud because my best seller is a set of visual routine cards, yet my own days of parenting can sometimes be a struggle. In my head I’m so organized, but you guys. . . I’m just a regular mom. Kids make messes and throw tantrums and poop. And mamas get headaches, and spend too many hours up late with babies, and forget to defrost dinner. And so I totally get that having a routine and sticking to one are completely different.
I guess my point is just that I’m discovering in my journey as mom, my days always go smoother when we stick to a routine. And when we don’t, I hit survival mode–following the kids around, picking up their messes, scolding them to pick up their messes, and feeling stressed and exhausted and like I can’t accomplish anything.
Kind of reminds me of a story, actually!
If You Give A Mouse a Cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk to go with it. Then he’ll want a straw, and a napkin, and a mirror to check for a milk mustache. When he looks in the mirror he’ll notice his hair needs a little trim, so he’ll ask for a pair of scissors and then he’ll need a broom to sweep up . . . . Each activity or task he begins reminds him of something else he needs or would like to do and he begins to run his young friend ragged. Shew, maybe that little mouse needs a routine!
Digital Felties | Printable Story Set
Your kids will love bringing this story to life with this set of printables. After downloading and printing, there are many things you can do with the story graphics, such as:
- Print on t-shirt transfer paper, iron onto sheets of felt, cut out, and use on a flannel board. (TUTORIAL)
- Print on cardstock, laminate, cut out, and place a magnet on the back. Use on the fridge, magnet board, or metal cookie sheet. (TUTORIAL)
- Print on cardstock, laminate, and glue to popsicle sticks for stick puppets.
- Print on cardstock, laminate, place a piece of rough velcro on the back. Stick to a flannel board.
- Create miniature shrinky dinks.
- Make a file folder game.
And if you haven’t already checked it out, be sure to print yourself a copy of the {Pinterest viral!} If You Give a Mom a Muffin poem.
Please tell me the difference between the Digital or the printable story set
The printable story set is JUST flattened PDF files with several images on one page, ready for you to print, laminate, and use for storytelling or playing. The digital art files comes in individual PNG files so you can use them as clip art, on digital scrapbook pages, etc.
Hope that helps!
xoxo, Pam