One of my favorite ways to teach a lesson or illustrate a concept is through a good book! Here’s a list of titles to check out as you teach kids to dream big & set goals with children’s books.
It’s a fun topic for the beginning of a new year, but there’s nothing magical about January. So dream big, all year long!
(And be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom for an extra goal-setting surprise!).

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Dream Big & Set Goals with Children’s Books
Jonathan James and the WhatIf Monster by Michelle Nelson-Schmidt
MNS is one of my favorite authors EVER. Most of her books have a subtle message about following your dreams. And when you listen to her inspiring story of chasing her own dream to become a children’s book author — you’ll get so fired up you’ll believe you can FLY. Or at least that Cordelia can!
Jonathan James has a special place in my heart because the picture book literally brought me to tears the first time I read it. I relate toooo well to the boy who is afraid of everything and have had some of my own “whatif monsters to kick to the curb. Especially when it came to direct sales.
“What if it’s hard? What if you’re bad? What if they laugh and make you feel sad?”
“What if you lose? What if you’re last? What if you’re slow and never get fast?”
When dreaming big and setting goals, your kids (or YOU!) may need to chase away some of your own WhatIf Monsters. Jonathan James will show you how. We even made a fun craft to remind us to chase away those “whatifs.”
Sophie Takes to the Sky by Katherine Woodfine
Along the similar lines of Jonathan James — scaredy-cat Sophie is afraid of everything, but longs to watch the hot-air balloonist sail across the blue sky. If she could just be brave enough to face her fears, who knows where her journey might take her?
Talk about dreaming BIG and reaching high — this story is inspired by Sophie Blanchard, the world’s first female hot-air balloonist. I think we can all relate to having deep fears. And this story teaches that we’re able to achieve great things if we can learn to overcome the fears.
Rose’s Dress of Dreams by Katherine Woodfine
Another new title based-on-a-true story by the same author (I really hope these stories become a series!) Rose dreams of creating clothes for the women of Paris, but when a chance encounter with royalty changes her life, she must draw on all her skills to design the most breathtaking dress of them all.
I love a good story about someone who has a dream, and then pushes forward to find a way to make it happen. And somehow the story is even better when it’s about a real person! This book is inspired by Rose Bertin — 1700’s dress designer for queen Marie Antoinette. Rose is considered to have been the world’s first fashion designer and her designs still influence fashion today.
Amelia Who Could Fly by Mara dal Corso
Flying seems to be a common theme when talking about DREAMING BIG! This sweet picture book tells the story of Amelia Earhart as a young girl, growing up and dreaming her unconventional dream.
Amelia’s early adventures, biographical details, lyrical text and period-inspired illustrations show young readers that with hard work and imagination their dreams might just be obtainable. She really was Amelia Who Could Fly!
The Big Race by David Barrow
Aardvark is competing in the Big Race. It’s a huge challenge and all the other animals are faster, bigger, and stronger than she is. But she’s determined to keep going. Find out what she learns in the end!
We LOVE this inspiring picture book of perseverance and the lessons that can be learned when you just.keep.going.
The Extraordinary Lives Collection by various authors
I’m so very excited about this new biographical collection for elementary readers — all about extraordinary men and women who had big dreams and big challenges. However, they didn’t give up despite big challenges. Their examples show that dreaming big and working towards goals may not be easy, but with perseverance and determination — great things can come.
The collection currently includes the following titles: Anne Frank, Katherine Johnson, Malala Yousafzai, Neil Armstrong, Rosa Parks, and Stephen Hawking.
6 Chelsea Walk Collection
by Ann Turnbull, Adele Geras, & Linda Newbery
Middle grade readers will enjoy this new historical fiction series about inspiring girls who have lived throughout history at “6 Chelsea Walk.” Each girl has a unique story. Yet each story carries a theme of courage and determination as they standing up for what they believe in and fight for their dreams. This series reminds me a little of the popular historical fiction “American Girl” stories I loved so much when I was growing up.
Each novel contains two stories:
Girls with a Voice & Girls with Courage
Girls behind the Camera & Girls for the Vote
Girls at War & Girls on the Up

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Dream Big & Set Goals with a Printable Goal-Setting Page
Teaching kids how to set and accomplish goals takes a little creativity and consistency. But if we can help them learn this behavior NOW — the habits will propel them into success in their future.
Inspiring kids to dream big and set goals with children’s books is one of my favorite ways to start the conversation!
Learn more ways we encourage goal setting in our family of six kids, and then download a goal planning sheet.