Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was one of my favorite musicals as a kid (therefore the Bible story of Joseph became a favorite!), and I was really excited to create this story set.
When my five-year-old asked recently, why do we read the scriptures, one of the things I told her is that the details in the ancient stories may be different, but we can still learn from them as the the challenges and feelings are the same today. The story of Joseph has many examples:
- Parents still love their children and want to shower them with precious gifts (colored coat).
- Siblings still experience jealously and fight.
- Dreams can still be a source of inspiration and vision.
- Sin (immorality, Potipher’s wife, etc. ) is something we all should continue to “flee” from.
- Hard work and honesty still reap prosperity.
- It’s still good to save for a rainy day (famine).
The Old Testament Scripture Story Set includes all the pieces you need to tell the story of Joseph from beginning to end (plus many other stories)! After downloading and printing, there are many things you can do with the story graphics, such as:
- Print on t-shirt transfer paper, iron onto sheets of felt, cut out, and use on a flannel board. (TUTORIAL)
- Print on cardstock, laminate, cut out, and place a magnet on the back. Use on the fridge, magnet board, or metal cookie sheet. (TUTORIAL)
- Print on cardstock, laminate, and glue to popsicle sticks for stick puppets.
- Print on cardstock, laminate, place a piece of rough velcro on the back. Stick to a flannel board.
- Create miniature shrinky dinks.
- Make a file folder game.
Where is the download link? I been to your fb page to see if it was there but it brought me back to this page. I been to your store too but no luck there either. :o(
Hi Angela!
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It looks like there was a broken link, but it should be working now.
I hope you enjoy!!
xoxo, Pam
Thanks so much for these amazing printables! What do you do to get the felt pieces to stick together when they have iron-on transfers? For example, sticking the coat to Joseph? Thanks!
What a super cute printable craft! I love these! Joseph is one of my kids’ favorite characters from the Bible.
We are starting to “homeschool” my 2 1/2 year old this year with some curriculum that calls for flannel board sets. I just can’t afford to spend $120+ on a set so I thank you so much for these!! What a blessing for us!
Thank you so much for sharing these!! I can’t wait to use them to teach my 3 year old about the bible. 🙂