A few months back my totally-on-top-of-things-newlywed sister messaged and said, “I love your printable felties, but I want you to teach me how to make the real thing so I can get a head start on a set for my future kids.”
I loved the idea of sitting and crafting felt sets together, but we live almost 2,000 miles apart– so “teaching” the craft in person wasn’t in our near future. This conversation got my mind going though, and after putting out interest feelers during an impromptu survey on Facebook–and receiving an enthusiastic response–I thought I’d share a little creative process as we make this fun little school bus feltie.
(Little trade secret–typically when I sit down to create I’ll freehand a sketch or just freehand cut with my scissors to create the shapes. But, to make this tutorial process easier, I created a template pattern for you!)
Create a School Bus Feltie using a Printable Craft Template
Supplies You’ll Need:
- Printable School Bus Craft Template
- Scissors
- Colored felt scraps
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun (or fabric glue)
Download and Print School Bus Craft Template
Download and print the template, and gather scraps of felt for your project.
Cut Out Felt Shapes
Lay the pattern on your felt, and cut the shapes from the pattern.
Glue Felt Shapes
It’s kind of a sneaky shortcut, but my adhesive best friend is the hot glue gun. Obviously be careful, especially if you’re crafting with kiddos (in this case, you may want to go with a fabric glue).
You could also adhere your pieces by hand stitching with thread or embroidery floss to add a whimsical, handmade feel to your pieces.
A few more ideas for using the printable school bus craft template:
- Assemble buses of all colors!
- Use as a fun prop for singing “The Wheels on the Bus” with the kiddos
- Play with on the flannel board
- Make a paper-pieced bus using your favorite card stock
- Place as a gift topper (extra fun for a teacher or favorite bus driver!)
- Decorate a bulletin board
- Paint with tempera paint (or color with crayons) for a fun cut-and-paste kids’ art project (like this)
Outstanding craft to finish off “B” week. Great and simple!!!
Thank you so much! I love your creativity. It makes it so easy for me to have a project ready for my toddlers and pre/K.
that school bus is so cool to make
Love this, Pam!
Wonderful! Thanks so very much for sharing your talents with us!
You’re welcome! And thanks for the feedback :).